Did you know Great White Magnetics has an instore dealer network?
In additional to this retail platform we also offer wholesale prices to brick and mortar stores all over Australia. This has proven to be especially beneficial for customers who do not want to pay the bulky shipping charges for their new magnet fishing kit.
We have seen increasing demand for magnet fishing kits ever since we have been released from lockdown. Kids, families and adults young at heart have been seeking a new and thrilling adventure that allows them to explore our great outdoors and find treasure whilst doing so.
Do you own a local retail store and want a new product to increase your customer audience range? Our fishing magnet kits have been performing exceptionally well and add another dimension to your store. With healthy profit margins and increasing demand we back our products 100%!
Your local camping / fishing store doesn’t stock fishing magnets? Get in store and direct them here!
Wholesale enquiries_ https_//www.bjkimports.com.au/